The Dahrendorf Forum and CEPS present the third flagship event in the series, 'The Future of Europe: Strategic Options for an Era of Uncertainties'.
We warmly invite you to join us at CEPS on Tuesday 5 November for a day of discussions focusing on three of the key topics we have examined over the past two years of the project, namely:
• Migrant integration into labour markets and host societies;
• The role of journalists and the media in confronting populist rhetoric;
• Europe’s role in the global order, between a retreating United States and an increasingly assertive China.
Confirmed speakers include Iain Begg (Academic Co-Director of the Dahrendorf Forum at LSE), Ruby Gropas (Leader of the Social Affairs Team at the European Political Strategy Center, European Commission), Daniel Gros (Director of CEPS), Danuta Hübner (MEP), Christine Ockrent (journalist and producer of ‘Foreign Afffairs’ on France Culture), Andrea Römmele (Dean Executive Education and Professor for Communication in Politics and Civil Society, Hertie School, Berlin) and Natacha Valla (Deputy Director General for Monetary Policy at the European Central Bank).
Venue: CEPS, Place du Congrès 1, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Time: 11:15 to 18:15 (registration from 10:45)
For further details on the programme and information on how to register, please visit the event page on the CEPS website.