Design, design-thinking and human-centered design have found their way into many governmental agenda's and reform programmes. This professional development calls for a critical examination of the intersection of public management and design in theory and practice and how it might shape the future of public management.
To explore the differences, commonalities and potential complementaries, our evening event will present both perspectives: LSE Professor and management scholar Michael Barzelay will present his forthcoming book „Public Management as a Design-Oriented Professional Discipline“ where he argues for a call to turn the field of public management into a design-oriented professional discipline. Design scholar and Hertie fellow Sabine Junginger will offer a design perspective on public management, presenting key ideas from her book on „Transforming Public Services by Design: Reorienting Policies, Organizations, and Services around People“.
Both scholars approach design from different vantage points to assess its relevance in the delivery of public services and program formulation. We are looking forward to a stimulating (and engaged) debate with the audience on the future of public management and the potential of design approaches to fundamentally alter public management.
This event is part of the Future of Public Administration event-series led by Gerhard Hammerschmid and Thurid Hustedt.
Thurid Hustedt is Professor of Public Administration and Management at the Hertie School. Her research focuses on public sector change dynamics, political-administrative relations and comparative public administration.
Michael Barzelay is Professor of Public Management at the LSE. Before joining LSE in 1995, he was Associate Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government. He received both his PhD in Political Science and his Master's in Public and Private Management from Yale University and his A.B from Stanford University.
Sabine Junginger holds a PhD in Design from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and a Master in Communication Planning and Information Design. She currently heads the Copmetence Center for Design and Management at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (LUASA) and has been a Fellow at Hertie since 2009.