
Master’s thesis poster winners 2019

Dugald Young (MPP 2019)
Dugald Young (MPP 2019)
Rachel Balmer (MIA 2019) Illustrations: Merle Stanko www.illumerle.de
Rachel Balmer (MIA 2019)
Illustrations: Merle Stanko www.illumerle.de
Karen Lohse (MIA 2019) and Simon Raba (MPP 2019)
Karen Lohse (MIA 2019) and Simon Raba (MPP 2019)
Harry McNeill Adams (MPP 2019)
Harry McNeill Adams (MPP 2019)
Johana Sperlova (MIA 2019)
Johana Sperlova (MIA 2019)
Jurij Delaure (MPP 2019)
Jurij Delaure (MPP 2019)
Nikhil Chaudhary (MPP 2019)
Nikhil Chaudhary (MPP 2019)
Bruno St-Jacques (MPP 2019)
Bruno St-Jacques (MPP 2019)
Eloise Hesse (MPP 2019)
Eloise Hesse (MPP 2019)
Gianluca Greco
Gianluca Greco

MPP and MIA grads present thesis projects in annual poster exhibition.

Congratulations to the winners of the 2019 MPP and MIA master’s thesis poster exhibition! On 5 June, all 210 graduating Master of Public Policy and Master of International Affairs students presented their thesis projects in a poster exhibition. Following the annual tradition, a jury of Hertie School professors selected the three best posters for distinction.

The jury consisted of Dean of Research and Faculty and Professor of Public Management and Political Economy Mark Hallerberg, Director of Curricular Affairs Henrik Schober, PhD candidate Haytham Atef, Franca König and Luis Mejia. The winners were presented by Dean of Graduate Programmes and Professor of European Politics Christine Reh and Hertie School President Henrik Enderlein.

And the winners are …

·         Dugald Young: An Evaluation of the Impact of Kenya’s Tobacco Control Act 2007

·         Mhabeni Bona and Jacqueline Liu: Protecting Indonesia’s forests

·         Rachel Balmer: Health Creation or Wealth Creation? How legitimate are the commitments by food and beverage multinational corporations to tackle global nutrition challenges?

Students worked on their theses for the past five months under the supervision of a Hertie School faculty member. The master's thesis is an independent research project in which students apply the theoretical and methodological knowledge acquired in their studies to a practical policy problem relevant to their study programme. One objective of the master's thesis is to make use of the insights the students have gained in their studies for a practical institutional purpose.

Many representatives of Hertie School’s practice partners, as well as faculty, friends and families were in attendance. Congratulations to all of our students for their hard work!