Hertie School Alumni convene in Berlin this week for the annual reunion, the first of its kind to include graduates from all programmes offered at the Hertie School. “It’s always an exciting occasion to welcome our alumni back to campus and back to Berlin,” says Hertie School President Helmut K. Anheier.
The reunion kicks off with a discussion about how the community should react to populism, which includes the school’s Chairman of the Board of Trustees Frank Mattern, professors Henrik Enderlein and Andrea Römmele as well as Managing Director Axel Baisch. Social and networking events take place throughout the weekend.
Camilo Sánchez Meertens receives Alumni Achievement Award
The Alumni Council honours Camilo Sánchez Meertens as the third recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award, which was created in 2015 as a way to celebrate an outstanding member of the alumni community on their innovation and dedication to the principles of good governance. Camilo is currently manager of the post-conflict health strategy at the Colombian Ministry of Health, serving as the liaison between the Ministry and the High Commissioner for Peace.
"I take this award as an acknowledgement of the collective endeavors that make peace possible in Colombia,” says Camilo, who currently works on organising the provision of health care in areas where former FARC guerrilla combatants are concentrated. “The key word is, indeed, synchrony: the sustainability of the peace process is the result of many actors operating at the same time. Health care is just one, yet crucial, component of this synchronized operation: the credibility of the peace process is at stake if the government is unable to provide basic services.”
Immediately prior to the reunion, (26-28 April) thirty-five alumni from around the globe participated in the third international alumni workshop, supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and fellows and friends (Hertie Foundation).
More information about the reunion can also be found <link en debate detail content alumni-reunion-2017 _blank>here.