In the media

Anita Gohdes on Instagram takeovers and the Iranian women's protests

On SRF's 'News Plus', Prof. Dr. Anita Gohdes discusses whether handing over a famous Instagram account could help Iranian activists. 

On SRF's daily news podcast, Prof. Dr. Anita Gohdes, Professor of International and Cyber Security, comments on a recent decision by German TV personalities Joko and Klaas to hand over their Instagram accounts to two Iranian activists. She explains why such an action goes a step beyond a public relations stunt to offer real (if unpredictable) potential for building international solidarity. While not enough to affect change on its own, Gohdes argues that international solidarity is nonetheless an essential precondition for a people's movement to maintain momentum in a repressive country.     

Listen to the full episode here.

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More about the expert

  • Anita Gohdes, Professor of International and Cyber Security