Listen to Pia Fuhrhop, Alexander Mattelaer, and Jacek Durkalec discuss their perspectives on NATO's nuclear sharing arrangement.
On May 4, 2021, Pia Fuhrhop, head of the IFSH’s Berlin office, Alexander Mattelaer, Vice Dean Research of the Institute for European Studies at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Jacek Durkalec, senior fellow at the Center for Global Security Research (CGSR) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), discussed the future of NATO’s nuclear sharing arrangement in an event hosted by the Centre for International Security at the Hertie School and chaired by Marina Henke, Professor of International Relations and the Centre's Director.
NATO's nuclear sharing arrangement has come under pressure. Some analysts see the current nuclear-sharing arrangement as technologically outdated and no longer capable of deterring possible aggression against NATO. For others, the immediate elimination of these weapons would be an important step toward nuclear disarmament, while still others warn that ending NATO's nuclear sharing arrangement would severely harm the alliance's defense strategy and cohesion.
Fuhrhop, Mattelaer, Durkalec and Henke debated the state of NATO’s nuclear sharing arrangement, its apparent lack of public support, opportunities to withdraw these weapons and pressures to modernize the various host states’ dual-capable aircrafts.
The event was part of the Centre's research project "Understanding Nuclear Assurance, Deterrence and Escalation in Europe". Funded by the Stanton Foundation this project examines what is at the heart of European nuclear security.
Missed this event? Listen to the recording: