In an expert interview with the German paper, the Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Security analysed Russia’s recent decision to move nuclear weapons to its ally Belarus.
Published under the title “Three reasons why Putin is moving nuclear weapons to Belarus” (Drei Gründe, warum Putin Atomwaffen nach Belarus verlegt), the RND interview with Prof. Henke begins by delving into these three reasons. In addition to deterring the West and assuring Belarus of its close relationship with Russia, Henke explains, the stationing of nuclear weapons in Belarus also gives Russia a useful bargaining chip for future peace negotiations. The interview then explores whether this decision is surprising and what it may reflect about Russia’s relationship with China, the probability of a further annexation, and the plausibility of Russia’s nuclear threats.
Read the full interview here in German.
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More about the expert
Marina Henke, Professor of International Relations | Director, Centre for International Security