In a radio panel, the Professor of International Relations underlined the importance of the strategy while highlighting room for improvement.
In a discussion last Wednesday on SW2 Forum, Prof. Marina Henke, PhD, Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Security, contributed an expert perspective on what a strategy should accomplish and where Germany’s National Security Strategy falls short from an academic perspective.
Overall, Henke noted that the National Security Strategy reads more like a wish list than a strategy, naming goals without addressing the trade-offs between them and identifying problems without analysing why they exist or how to work around them. However, Henke emphasised the significance of Germany waking up from its strategic slumber, and called upon her colleagues across Germany to read the strategy carefully, analyse it, discuss it, and ensure the next iteration is better.
Listen to the full discussion here.
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More about the expert
Marina Henke, Professor of International Relations | Director, Centre for International Security