As a guest on DW Español, the Professor of International Relations and Director of the Centre for International Security explains the continuing popularity of the war on Ukraine among Russians.
In an in-depth interview on April 27 with DW Español, Prof. Marina Henke dove into Russian perceptions of the war on Ukraine, reflecting on why Russian state propaganda is so successful in maintaining widespread support for the war, why the opposition struggles to mobilize Russians against the war, how the war benefits Russian elites, and why predictions about the collapse of the Russian economy have not borne out, among other topics. Prof. Henke was joined for the discussion by journalists Natalia Smolentceva (DW, with a focus on Russia) and Carmen Vela (Cadena SER, with a focus on European affairs).
Watch the full interview here (in Spanish).
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More about the expert
Marina Henke, Professor of International Relations | Director, Centre for International Security