Listen to Jane Vaynman and Steven Pifer discuss the future of arms control.
On February 11, 2021, Jane Vaynman, Assistant Professor of Political Science at Temple University, and Steven Pifer, fellow at the Robert Bosch Academy, discussed the future of arms control in an event hosted by the Centre for International Security at the Hertie School and chaired by Marina Henke, Professor of International Relations and the Centre's Director.
Recent years have seen Russia, China, and the United States bolster the advancement of their weapons programmes. At the same time, countries continue to rescind arms control agreements such as the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty (INF). What do these developments mean for the future of arms control? Is the effort to contain increasingly sophisticated weaponry futile?
Vaynman, Pifer and Henke spoke about the political and interpersonal factors that influenced past arms control negotiations, how the Biden administration could maintain present arms control agreements and the role Europe could play in the pursuit of this goal.
The event was part of the Centre's research project "Understanding Nuclear Assurance, Deterrence and Escalation in Europe". Funded by the Stanton Foundation this project examines what is at the heart of European nuclear security.
Missed this event? Listen to the recording: