The Centre for Digital Governance blog welcomes contributions that reflect our mission to promote digital governance for public well-being. These can be research-related viewpoints or timely comments on current events.
Our blog pieces contribute to national and international public debate on a wide range of governance topics: digitalisation, privacy, government-business relations, regulation, ethical implications of digitalisation, policy, innovation, global perspectives, among others.
We feature views from Centre researchers and accept submissions from Hertie School staff, students, and alumni. External contributors are also welcome to propose ideas.
Please follow our editorial guidelines below BEFORE writing your blog post. Email your pitch to the editor (digitalgovernance[at]hertie-school[dot]org) and we will reply as soon as possible. Your email subject line should include the words "Blog submission”. All submissions are subject to the approval of the editor.
- Write for a relatively wide audience, including non-academics such as policy professionals and government officials, journalists, business people, thought leaders, and the interested general public. Academics, too, but not exclusively.
- State your Big Idea - key message - close to the beginning, NOT at the end.
- Each paragraph should offer an argument (or counterargument) for this message and evidence to back it up.
- Offer original, useful, predictive or counterintuitive insights that engage the reader.
- Use plain English: This is a blog, not an academic journal, so the style is less formal.
- Use UK English.
- Limit your blog pieces to 800-1000 words with paragraphs of 3-4 sentences.
- “Snap” contributions allowed: Short submissions on current events (ca. 400 words).
- Attribute any quoted/paraphrased info with hyperlinks to sources. All articles will be checked for plagiarism.
- Avoid jargon. Explain technical terms and include context, but not in great detail.
- Be accurate: Check your numbers, spellings, dates, references, etc.
- If your post was published previously, please make this clear in your submission.
- You may include tables, charts, figures and images (please send them as separate files). Reference these properly if they are not your own work.
- Title: Sum up your key message in less than 60 characters (ca. 10 words).
- Provide a teaser paragraph (ca. 50 words), a 50-word biography with links to a personal website or profile, and a high resolution photo of yourself.
- It may take up to 6 weeks before we publish your article, and potentially longer during busy periods. We will respond even if we choose not to publish your blog post.
- The Centre for Digital Governance editor retains final say on publication and holds the right to edit the content of articles for grammar and style purposes.
- The editor will send you a readback of the edited version, so you can proofread and make corrections.
- Research-related blog posts should be evidence based. The editor may double-check factual accuracy of certain points, or ask you for links to supporting information.
- If we publish your blog post, the Hertie School retains full rights to the content, including, but not limited to, editing, mixing, duplicating, using, or re-using it in whole or in part as it so chooses.
- Please note: Your submission will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.