BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-// iCalcreator 2.39.1// CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH UID:c6c3c2a3-3ee1-4f8b-9a31-4e9ff4129e93 X-WR-TIMEZONE:Europe/Berlin X-WR-CALDESC:EMPA & MPP/MIA Professional Perspectives with Alex Odlum (MPP 2015) X-WR-RELCALID:c235c84d-ee18-47e2-aa5b-abae6e396a2c BEGIN:VEVENT UID:dea3d613-b36f-48d7-8dab-d7375f480a3e DTSTAMP:20240511T132246Z DESCRIPTION:We are happy to invite Hertie School alumnus Alex Odlum back to the school for a talk about his career since graduating from MPP in 2015. He is currently leading the analysis team at the Assessment Capabilities Project (ACAPS)\, a non-profit organization working on assessment and anal ysis of humanitarian emergencies\, and is based in Geneva\, Switzerland. \nAlex joined ACAPS as a trainee after graduating from Hertie School and h as since worked for the organisation both at headquarters and in the field \, particularly focused on displacement and migration in the Middle East. \nIn his talk\, he will discuss the following:\n His career path and how H ertie prepared him for the jobInsights on entry level humanitarian work an d possible career pathsGraduate opportunities at ACAPS (including the trai nee analyst programme) \nThis event has been made possible with the genero us support of the DAAD.\nPlease register for the event via Connect by 26 S eptember 2018.\nPlease note that once you have registered for this event\, you are expected to attend. Thank you for your co-operation. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181004T160000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181004T173000 LOCATION:Hertie School of Governance | Room 3.32 SUMMARY:EMPA & MPP/MIA Professional Perspectives with Alex Odlum (MPP 2015) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT UID:dea3d613-b36f-48d7-8dab-d7375f480a3e DTSTAMP:20240511T132246Z DESCRIPTION:We are happy to invite Hertie School alumnus Alex Odlum back to the school for a talk about his career since graduating from MPP in 2015. He is currently leading the analysis team at the Assessment Capabilities Project (ACAPS)\, a non-profit organization working on assessment and anal ysis of humanitarian emergencies\, and is based in Geneva\, Switzerland. \nAlex joined ACAPS as a trainee after graduating from Hertie School and h as since worked for the organisation both at headquarters and in the field \, particularly focused on displacement and migration in the Middle East. \nIn his talk\, he will discuss the following:\n His career path and how H ertie prepared him for the jobInsights on entry level humanitarian work an d possible career pathsGraduate opportunities at ACAPS (including the trai nee analyst programme) \nThis event has been made possible with the genero us support of the DAAD.\nPlease register for the event via Connect by 26 S eptember 2018.\nPlease note that once you have registered for this event\, you are expected to attend. Thank you for your co-operation. DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181004T160000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:20181004T173000 LOCATION:Hertie School of Governance | Room 3.32 SUMMARY:EMPA & MPP/MIA Professional Perspectives with Alex Odlum (MPP 2015) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR 1