In marking its 10th anniversary, the Hertie School brought together leading scholars and European decisision makers to open new perspectives for better governance in Europe.
Where would the European Union be heading post the 2014 European Parliament elections held on 25 May? What were the long-term prospects for the European integration project after years spent in a perpetual crisis mode and unprecedented levels of popular protest against the EU likely to be? And, with a neighbourhood of states in transition, what role and contribution could Europe offer in international politics?
Programme | Day 1
Tuesday 27 May 2014
09:00 Welcome Coffee
10:00 Opening Remarks
Speaker: Helmut K. Anheier, Dean, Hertie School
Europe after the Elections: What are the Implications?
10:15 Keynote: Europe after the Elections
Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Minister of Finance of the Netherlands and President of the
11:00 Panel: The European Elections in Perspective
Chair: Mark Kayser, Hertie School
Panel: Simon Hug, Université de Genève
Catherine de Vries, University of Oxford
Hermann Schmitt, University of Manchester
Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zurich
Discussant: George A. Papandreou, former Prime Minister of Greece
12:30 Lunch Break
Dead End or New Vigour? The Future of the European Project
13:30 Keynote: The State of Europe – What Governance is needed in the European Union?
Speaker: Wolfgang Schäuble, Finance Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany
14:30 Panel: Reforming the European Union – Legitimate Governance for Europe?
Chair: Christian Joerges, Hertie School
Panel: Daniel Innerarity, University of Basque Country
Claus Offe, Hertie School
Albert Weale, University College London
Martin Lidegaard, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
16:00 Coffee Break
Does Europe Matter? The EU in International Affairs
16:30 Keynote: Ready for a more fragile world? Europe’s role in responding to crisis and conflict
Speaker: Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner for
Int. Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response
16:50 Roundtable on European Foreign Policy
Roundtable: Elmar Brok, MEP, Chair of the Committee on Foreign Affairs
Kristalina Georgieva, European Commissioner
Barbara Lochbihler, MEP, Chair of the Subcommittee on Human Rights
Boris Tarasyuk, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, former Foreign Minister of Ukraine
Moderator: Melinda Crane, DW-TV
18:00 Refreshments
18:30 (Was) hält Europa zusammen?/What Unites Europe?
Panel: Henrik Enderlein, Hertie School
Margot Käßmann, Ambassador of the Reformation Anniversary 2017,
Evangelical Church in Germany
Norbert Röttgen, MdB, Chairman of the German Bundestag’s Committee on
Foreign Affairs
Moderator: Harald Asel, rbb Inforadio
In cooperation with rbb inforadio.
(In German. Translation into English will be provided.)
20:00 End of first Conference Day
Programme | Day 2
Wednesday 28 May 2014
Back to the Future? Europe and the Nation State
9:00 Opening Remarks
Speaker: Michael Zürn, Founding Dean, Hertie School
9:15 Keynote: Does Europe Need strong States?
Speaker: Mario Monti, Senator and former Prime Minister of Italy
9:45 Panel: A European Model of the State?
Chair: Kai Wegrich, Hertie School
Panel: Adrienne Héritier, European University Institute
Christoph Möllers, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Carlos Pereira, Brazilian School of Public and Business Administration
at Getulio Vargas Foundation
Discussant: Danuta Hübner, MEP, Chair of the Regional Development Committee
11:00 Coffee Break
Teaching Governance in Europe
11:15 Closing Discussion: Future Leadership in Governance
Intervention: Craig Calhoun, Director, London School of Economics and Political Science
Roundtable: Helmut K. Anheier, Dean, Hertie School
Frédéric Mion, President, Sciences Po Paris
Ngaire Woods, Inaugural Dean, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University
12:30 Farewell Lunch