Exclusive pre-screening of the WDR/ARTE documentary and discussion with Klaus Hurrelmann and film-makers
Fifty years have passed since the students in Europe and the US took to the streets and many believed that the revolution was upon us. Today, we see a strengthening of the Right, with Trump, Brexit and AfD, as well as the global threat of climate change. So what about the political commitment of young people in Europe today, fifty years later? What can they take over from the legacy of the '68? Do we need a new protest generation in Europe in 2018? This documentary examines the state of protest movements in Spain, France and Germany, and will be followed by a discussion, in German, with Klaus Hurrelmann (Hertie School) and film-makers Ilona Kalmbach and Adrian Lehnigk (WDR/ARTE).
A version of the German film with English subtitles will be shown at this exclusive pre-screening. In cooperation with arte and hosted by the Deutsch-Französischen Jugendwerk.