This three-day online workshop, which took place from 2-4 June 2021, focused on eight research methods and their implementation for fundamental rights research. The workshop, which brought together 24 PhD researchers and postdoctoral researchers from 18 different universities, was hosted by the Hertie School's Centre for Fundamental Rights within the framework of CIVICA – The European University of Social Sciences.

The workshop participants had the opportunity to present their own research project, discuss their research methods and receive feedback from faculty and participants.

Testimonials from participants of the 2021 annual workshop:

  • Gaurav Mukherjee, Candidate for Doctor of Juridical Sciences, CEU:

    "Legal scholarship often suffers from methodological blind spots, and attending the Workshop helped me identify these in my own research and writing, while also providing solid methodological grounding across a range of different areas. I'd highly recommend attending the Workshop, which is lead by a group of kind, insightful, and academically rigorous scholars, for anyone interested in honing their competence in legal methods".

  • Gisela Ferrari, PhD Candidate, Universidad de Buenos Aires: 

    "Thanks to the workshop, I realised that I was applying a specific method for my PhD that had been refined and developed by one of the professors--her work helped me with a lot of questions that I had about my research. The dialogue among the teaching staff and the students is rich and fluid. I am truly grateful for having the chance to participate in such an enlightening course!" 

  • Philip Nedelcu, PhD Candidate, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität:

    "The workshop allowed me to get insights into a wide variety of research methods and to reflect and receive feedback on my own research project. While I surely benefited greatly from being able to present and discuss my own research, I found it even more rewarding to meet a group of very inspiring researchers from different backgrounds and to engage with their exciting and innovative projects over the course of several days. All in all, the workshop is a great opportunity to expose oneself to profound discussions and reflections on research methods. I strongly recommend it to PhD researchers at any stage."

  • Tainá Garcia Maia, PhD Candidate, University of Münster and Federal University of Minas Gerais:

    "Participating in the Hertie Workshop on Research Methods in Fundamental Rights was a fundamental experience in my trajectory as a researcher. I became aware of the many paths that my research can take, and I am now conscious of the all-encompassing (and rather empty) justifications that I so often had used when explaining the object of my research, my research questions and the selection of case studies. I have no doubts that the questions I learned to ask myself in the workshop will accompany me from now on."

  • Valentin Feneberg, PhD Candidate, Humboldt-Universität:

    "The workshop provided unique insights into different approaches to human rights research. I am particularly grateful for the exchange of disciplinary perspectives, the peer-to-peer feedback, as well as the discussions with senior scholars."