
Governance indicators

For the 2013–18 editions, the Governance Report is accompanied by a topical set of indicators that draws on existing databases as well as original data in order to shed light on key aspects of governance. In addition to informing the annual Governance Report publications, the indicators are made available online to the public in the form of interactive tools as well as downloadable data sets and supplementary materials.

2018 Indicators: Global crisis governance

The data collected for the 2018 Governance Report highlight key economic, fiscal, governing capacity, and institutional trust indicators as they evolved from 2007, before the global financial and economic crisis (GFC), to 2017. Drawn from reliable international sources, the data can thus be used to observe and compare by country and groups of countries diverse changes that occurred over the course of the GFC and in its aftermath. Though the 2018 Report focuses primarily on G20 and OECD member countries, the dataset and corresponding tools present data for most of the world’s countries when available.

Two interactive tools are available: Time series plot | Trajectory plot

Data from The Governance Report 2018 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2018). The Governance Report 2018: Global Crisis Governance Data. Hertie School: Berlin.

2018 downloads: Methodological Paper, Chapter 1 | Crisis intensity plot (corrected)

2017 Indicators: Democratic innovations

The data collected for the 2017 Governance Report covers the use and dissemination of democratic innovations across three distinct categories: electoral reforms, direct democracy and cooperative governance. Nested within these categories are a wide range of variables from international data sources. The data provides a snapshot of the various institutions in place around the world that aim to re-engage citizens with democracy. For many data points, information about countries’ democratic innovativeness goes back several decades and thus allows the development of democratic innovations to be traced over time. 

Three interactive tools are available: Democratic innovations map | Evolution of democratic innovations | Countries at a glance

Data from The Governance Report 2017 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2017). The Governance Report 2017: Democratic Innovations Data. Hertie School: Berlin.

2017 data set downloads (January 2017): Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA [ZIP]) | R (RData)


2016 Indicators: Infrastructure governance

The indicators developed for the 2016 Governance Report seek to measure governments’ readiness to respond to the diverse and complex issues involved in infrastructure decision-making. Drawing on original data from the Hertie School-OECD Global Expert Survey on Public Infrastructure and other data from official sources and surveys, the indicators look at three key dimensions of infrastructure governance: planning, management and outcomes.

Four interactive tools are available: Country rankings | Component comparisons | Component relationships | Global expert survey

Data from the indicators created for The Governance Report 2016 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2016). The Governance Report 2016: Infrastructure Governance Indicators. Hertie School: Berlin.

2016 indicators data set downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA) | R (RData)

The Global Expert Survey on Public Infrastructure questionnaire and data are also free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Oprisor, Anca, Hammerschmid, Gerhard, and Löffler, Lorenz (2015). The Hertie School-OECD Global Expert Survey on Public Infrastructure. Berlin: Hertie School.

Expert survey data set downloads: Questionnaire (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Research and methodology report (PDF)


2015 Indicators: European Union

The indicators developed for the 2015 Governance Report reveal how numerous economic and political issues faced in the European Union have evolved over time. By showing which countries have moved closer together or further apart and in which issue areas, the indicators also reveal whether such trends have been more pronounced in certain clusters of countries, or 'convergence clubs'. Additional indicators measure associations between macroeconomic trends and aggregate public opinion, as well as during distinct time periods.

Four interactive tools are available: Conditional associations | Convergence indicators | Interactive map | Time series

Data from the indicators created for The Governance Report 2015 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2015). The Governance Report 2015: European Union Indicators. Hertie School: Berlin.

2015 indicators data set downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA) | R (RData)


2014 Indicators: Administrative capacities

The administrative capacities dashboard developed for the 2014 Governance Report consists of four national-level sub-dashboards, one for each of the capacities highlighted in the Report: delivery, regulatory, coordination and analytical. All together, the four sub-dashboards comprise the most comprehensive snapshot of administrative capacities available. Comprised of data from multiple organisations and data providers, the dashboard includes raw indicators as well as thematic indexes that make it possible to address empirically questions about possible relationships between institutional design, the functioning of bureaucracies and governance output. 

Two interactive tools are availableInteractive data explorer | Interactive map

Data from the indicators created for The Governance Report 2014 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2014). The Governance Report 2014: Administrative Capacities Indicators. Hertie School: Berlin.

2014 indicators data set downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA) | R(RData)

2014 indexes data set downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA) | R (RData)

2014 factor analysis data set downloads: CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA) | R (RData)


2013 Indicators: Governance challenges

For the inaugural edition of the Governance Report in 2013, a new, conceptually grounded system of governance indicators was introduced. Examining a wide range of data at the city, national and transnational levels, these indicators provide a means for measuring three essential components: governance readiness in relation to governance requirements, governance performance in relation to policy outcomes and welfare effects, and governance innovativeness.

An interactive tool is available: Interactive data explorer

Data from the indicators created for The Governance Report 2013 as well as any images generated by the interactive tools are free to use for research purposes. Please use the following citation: Hertie School (2013). The Governance Report 2013: Governance Challenges Indicators. Hertie School: Berlin.

2013 general downloads: Methodological notes (PDF)

2013 city-level indicators downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA)

2013 national governance indicators downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA)

2013 transnational governance indicators downloads: Codebook (PDF) | CSV | Excel (XLSX) | Stata (DTA)
