In the media

Lion Hirth says little chance next German government would reverse its planned nuclear exits

Despite rising energy costs, the political consensus to end nuclear power remains strong, he tells Deutsche Welle.

Facing rising energy costs, German public scepticism towards shutting down nuclear power plants is increasing. But Assistant Professor of Governance of Digitalisation and Energy Policy, Lion Hirth, does not see a threat to Germany’s energy transition. “The political price is almost infinity”, he said in an article by Deutsche Welle from 25 October. As the Green Party is likely to become part of the next German government, a withdrawal from Germany’s decision to become nuclear-free by 2030 is improbable, he says. “It would look like betraying the cause,” Hirth says. “There are very few political topics that have gathered so strong a consensus over so long.”

Read the full article on Germany’s green energy transition here.

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