Publications offer policy recommendations on state-civil society relations and global crisis governance.
Through several publications, Hertie School researchers have contributed policy recommendations to this weekend’s Summit of the Group of 20 heads of state and government in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
In the report Civil Society in Times of Change, published by the Think 20 (T20) advisory group, Hertie School Professor of Sociology Helmut K. Anheier and co-authors Markus Lang and Charlotte Koyro offer recommendations for improving the relationship between governments and civil society at both the national and multilateral levels.
The T20 is a group of leading research institutes and think tanks that join forces to advise G20 countries on public policy issues. The group brought together academics, experts, government officials, representatives from international organizations and stakeholders from the business community in Buenos Aires in September to discuss policy recommendations for the Argentine G20 Presidency ahead of the G20 Summit on 30 November and 1 December. The Civil Society paper was written as part of the Task Force on Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics, of which Anheier is co-chair.
At the September meeting, Anheier and Hertie School Professor of Public Management and Political Economy Mark Hallerberg also presented the annual Hertie School publication The Governance Report 2018, this year focusing on global financial governance. Ten years after the onset of the global financial and economic crisis, the report examines developments in fiscal policy, administrative capacities, institutional trust, and global governance from before the crisis to current times.
More about Helmut K. Anheier and Mark Hallerberg
Helmut K. Anheier, Senior Professor of Sociology, past President
Mark Hallerberg, Dean of Research and Faculty | Professor of Public Management and Political Economy