Helmut K. Anheier, President and Professor of Sociology, co-authored a Policy Brief for G20 policymakers, “Civil Society Challenged: Towards an Enabling Policy Environment”, along with Jack H. Knott of the University of Southern California and John Burns of The University of Hong Kong.
The Policy Brief, which was published in March by Think20 (T20) Germany, a research and policy advice network for the G20, recommends the following:
“The authors propose to initiate a process for the establishment of an independent high-level commission of eminent persons (i) to examine the changing policy environment for civil society organizations in many countries, (ii) to review the reasons behind the shrinking space civil society encounters in some parts of the world and its steady development in others, and (iii) to make concrete proposals for how G20 countries and civil society can relate in productive ways in national and international contexts.”
Among the many insightful Policy Briefs submitted to the T20, Anheier’s has been identified as an outstanding contribution and was submitted directly to the G20 in their summary, “20 Solution Proposals for the G20,” during the recent T20 Global Solutions Summit in Berlin.
Update: Furthermore, Anheier has now published an in-depth Policy Paper "Civil society challenged: towards an enabling policy environment" in a new series, “G20 Policy Papers,” in the e-journal Economics. It will become a primary resource for G20 policy-makers.