Check out our selection of the year's highlights from our archives.
President Henrik Enderlein’s inaugural speech outlines his view of our changing world, and how the Hertie School will respond to this through plans for expansion and new Centres of Competence.
Governance in a changing world
European Central Bank President Mario Draghi spoke about how to avoid future crises in the Eurozone in his keynote speech at the Hertie School conference, Making Europe’s Economic Union Work in September. You can watch the video of the event here:
Mario Draghi speech at Making Europe’s Economic Union Work event
“Is innovation the holy grail? What is social innovation?” – this is the question Johanna Mair wants students to consider in her Executive MPA seminar on social innovation. Read about this intensive, three-day learning journey with Johanna Mair and her line-up of exciting practitioners here:
A learning journey towards social innovation
Anne-Marie Slaughter, former State Department adviser in the Obama administration spoke to our community about public-problem solving when she was awarded the Hertie School’s 2018 Dr.-Michael-Endres prize. Listen to a podcast of her speech and read an interview with her here:
The new practice of public problem-solving
A study carried out by Professor of Economics Christian Traxler and others revealed that gender works to the detriment of women taking law exams in Germany. Read about the results here:
Study: Women awarded lower scores than men on state law exams
After the Munich Security Conference in February, Rwanda’s Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo told an audience at the Hertie School that Africa should have a role in the UN Security Council. Listen to a podcast with MSC Chairman and Professor for Security Policy Wolfgang Ischinger, and read about the discussion here:
Rwandan Foreign Minister sees a bigger role for Africa in ensuring peace and security
Former President Helmut Anheier explored what history will say about our policymakers and how they have heeded the lessons of the financial crisis. Read his op-ed here:
Future of public policy schools event
As part of the Governance Post event series, a student-led public initiative, the Hertie School held a fascinating panel discussion on China’s social credit system. Listen to the podcast here:
Reward and punishment – Inside China’s social credit system
Hertie School professors find many creative ways to prepare students for their future careers – for example, by creating policy briefs in the form of podcasts, as Assistant Professor of International Affairs and Security Julian Wucherpfennig did:
The podcast as policy brief
And, of course, be sure to check out the many great opinion pieces on recent topics in the news, and also featuring research by our faculty.