
Hertie School students victorious at democracy Hackathon

Winning team: Jasmine Whaley, Omosola Odetunde, Jeanna Hamilton, Esther Rizo, Shoshannah Richards, Yolanda Rother (Copyright: Factory Berlin)

Ahead of German election, the Hackathon focused on strengthening democracy.

Amidst a 24-hour whirlwind of developers, designers and policy makers, three Hertie School students found themselves on the winning team in a recent Hackathon designed to counteract populism in Europe and the United States. Hertie School Master of Public Policy students Jasmine Whaley, Yolanda Rother and Shoshannah Richards were part of the winning team, besting 17 others in their shared attempt to strengthen democracy.

The event was initiated by and held at the start-up campus and business club Factory Berlin. Participants designed and then made a two-minute pitch for software products aimed at supporting democracy.

Their winning idea, Beyond the Vote, is an internet platform designed to connect city residents with local organisations that can address their specific needs – creating petitions, providing tutorials, arranging meetings on community issues.

Read more about their accomplishment in this article by Wired (in German).  

On behalf of the Hertie School community, congratulations Jasmine, Yolanda and Shoshannah!