In the media

Andrea Römmele weighs in on the CDU/CSU’s chancellor candidate race

In ARD Tageschau, Römmele provides her take on who is likely to lead the CDU/CSU into the next election.

This week, German’s Christian Democrat Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party the Christian Socialist Union (CSU) will select their candidate for chancellor. The head-to-head race positions Armin Laschet, CDU party leader against Markus Söder, the Premier of Bavaria. Angela Merkel will retire from politics in September after serving for 16 years as Germany’s chancellor.

Hertie School Professor of Communication in Politics and Civil Society, Andrea Römmele has followed the leadership race extensively and provided her take in ARD Tagesschau on 11 April, including an assessment of recent internal polling.

“Poll numbers are only temporary snapshots that can quickly change again,” she said. “It is more important which one of the two candidates has the support of the entire CDU/CSU.”

Watch the full programme (in German) here.

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