
German government appoints Lion Hirth to expert commission on energy and gas crisis

The Professor of Energy Policy at the Centre for Sustainability joins experts across sectors to advise policymakers on tackling skyrocketing prices.

Lion Hirth, Professor of Energy Policy at the Hertie School’s Centre for Sustainability, will join the newly established Expert Commission for Heating and Gas (Expert:innenkommission Wärme/Gas). The commission’s aim will be to draft policy suggestions for the German government in order to counteract soaring gas prices, inflation and bankruptcy – as well as the severe impact these will have on the country’s residents and economy. 

On Thursday, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said the Expert Commission for Heating and Gas will get started in the coming days and propose a policy plan by October. It will focus not only on easing the financial burden of rising energy costs for industries, but also for citizens and private households. The commission will comprise 21 experts from the coalition government parties, energy suppliers, industry associations, civil society organisations and academia. 

It is chaired by Prof. Veronika Grimm (Sachverständigenrat Wirtschaft), Michael Vassiliadis (Industriegewerkschaft Bergbau, Chemie, Energie) and Siegfried Russwurm (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie). Fellow researchers include Dr. Thorsten Müller (Stiftung Umweltenergierecht) and Dr. Felix Matthes (Ökoinsitut). 

More information on the commission (in German) can be found in ener|gate.


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