In Project Syndicate, Helmut K. Anheier reviews five books on German politics, examining recent trends.
In an opinion piece for Project Syndicate, Helmut K. Anheier, Hertie School Professor of Sociology and past President, reviews five recent books on German politics to analyse the political and cultural implications of Germany’s 2021 elections.
Anheier discusses the book authors’ views on key issues the country’s new leadership will face when four-term Chancellor Angela Merkel leaves office after the October elections. These include the pandemic, migration, modernising public administration and infrastructure, and reforming the German military, Anheier says.
“German voters can no longer sit back and place their trust in Merkel to navigate the shoals of the twenty-first century,” writes Anheier.
Read the full article here.
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More about Helmut K. Anheier
Helmut K. Anheier, Senior Professor of Sociology, past President