“Maintaining unity will be an ongoing challenge,” he writes in a Project Syndicate op-ed.
Germany, led by Olaf Scholz and a new three-party government coalition, has risen to meet the ongoing crises of the pandemic and war with sudden overhauls in decades-old policy, Senior Professor of Sociology Helmut K. Anheier writes in an article for Project Syndicate.
But the unity of the coalition that promised to “dare more reforms” is at risk, Anheier writes. “If uncertain times demand novel policies and political flexibility, the Ampelkoalition has so far shown itself to be up to the challenge. But profound, radical policy changes come with risks, especially when they are adopted without much consultation and debate. Lacking clear public consent, some of them could backfire.”
Read the full article from 18 March in Project Syndicate.
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More about our expert
Helmut K. Anheier, Senior Professor of Sociology, past President