Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Hansum, R. (2024). The Role of Electoral Interests in the National Distribution of EU Covid-19 Funds. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies
Molina, S. (2025). Unmarried motherhood and infant health: The role of intimate partner violence in Colombia. Demographic Research, 52(6), 141–178.
Ramirez-Ruiz, S. (2024). The unexpected results of the peace referendum changed conflict termination preferences in Colombia. Research & Politics, 11(1), 20531680241233793.
Stiewe, Clemens, Alice Lixuan Xu, Anselm Eicke and Lion Hirth (2025). Cross-border cannibalization: Spillover effects of wind and solar energy on interconnected European electricity markets. Energy Economics, Volume 143.
Finnerty, Joseph (2024 forthcoming), ‘How Should the European Court of Human Rights Remedy Violations of Article 18 ECHR?: The Case for Remedial Realignment.’ European Convention on Human Rights Law Review.
Edmondson, D., Flachsland, C., aus dem Moore, N., Koch, N., Koller, F., Gruhl, H., & Brehm, J. (2024). Anticipatory climate policy mix pathways: a framework for ex-ante construction and assessment applied to the road transport sector. Climate Policy, 1–30.
Bessimo, T. P. B., & Amorim Neto, O. (2024). The Brazilian Extreme-Right and China. Journal of Politics in Latin America, 0(0).
Koch, Elias, Daniel Kuhlen, Jochen Müller and Christian Stecker (2024), StatePol - A Database on the Members of German State Cabinets and Parliaments. German Political Science Quartlery (PVS),
Graf, L./Lohse, Anna P., & Bernhard, N. (2024). Varieties of work-based higher education: France, Germany and the United States compared. International Journal of Training and Development, 1-19.
Alice Lixuan Xu, Anselm Eicke, Lion Hirth (2024). Cross-border cannibalization: Spillover effects of wind and solar energy on interconnected European electricity markets. (Pre-print), 1-25.
Auz, Juan (2024). The Political Ecology of Climate Remedies in Latin America and the Caribbean: Comparing Compliance Between National and Inter-American Litigation. Journal of Human Rights Practice, 1-26.
Brehm, Johannes and Gruhl, Henri (2024). Leveraging machine learning to understand opposition to environmental tax increases across countries and over time. Environmental Research Letters, 19(8), 084035
Ramos, V. J. (2024). Extreme Lockdowns and the Gendered Informalization of Employment: Evidence from the Philippines. Work, Employment and Society, 38(5), 1197-1222.
Michel, Cynthia L. (2024). Unraveling how intermediary-beneficiary interaction shapes policy implementation. Regulation & Governance,
Schmauk, Sarah (2024). Pathways to Retirement in West Germany: Does Divorce Matter? Advances in Life Course Research. 60,
Rackwitz, Maike and Raffer, Chritian (2024). Shifts in local governments’ corporatization intensity: Evidence from German cities. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Volume 34, Issue 3, July 2024, Pages 371 386,
Brehm, J., Gruhl, H. (2024). Increase in concerns about climate change following climate strikes and civil disobedience in Germany. Nat Commun 15, 2916.
Schmauk, Sarah and Kridahl, L. (2024). Who receives most? Gendered consequences of divorce on public pension income in West Germany and Sweden. Ageing and Society, 1–24.
Kleinaltenkamp, Moritz (2023), 'Infrastructures for Institutional Change: Inscription and the Role of Technological Prefiguration'. In: Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 17914). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Koranyi, Kinga (2023). Power of the Weak? Framing Strategies in Fiscal Redistribution Negotiations. Regional & Federal Studies 0 (0): 1–26,
Finnerty, Joseph (2023). When is a State’s ‘Hidden Agenda’ Proven? The Role of the Merabishvili’s Three-Legged Evidentiary Test in the Article 18 Strasbourg Case Law. European Convention on Human Rights Law Review, 1-26.
Maurice P Schumann, Corinne Bara (2024). A New Era: Power in Partnership Peacekeeping, International Studies Quarterly, Volume 67, Issue 3, September 2023,
Salazar-Morales, Diego (2022). A Mercantile Theory of Expert Knowledge Utilisation in Patrimonialist Bureaucracies: Evidence from the Health Sector in Peru. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory.
Bünder, Tobias, Rathert, N., & Mair, J. (2023). Sustaining the Integration of Social Objectives Over Time: A Case-Based Analysis of Access to Medicine in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Business & Society, 00076503231182667.
Schöfer, Till (2023). From Developing Country Leader to Flexible Negotiator: New Directions in Brazilian Trade Strategy. World Trade Review, 1-28.
Auz, Juan (2023). The political ecology of earth system law: outlining a lex capitalocenae. Wisconsin International Law Journal, 40/2.
Stiewe, Clemens, et al. (2023) Natural gas savings in Germany during the 2022 energy crisis. Nat Energy.
Rackwitz, Maike (2023). Fraught with tension? A machine-learning approach to termination traits of public corporations in English and German local governments. Public Management Review.
Hammerschmid, G., Palaric, E., Rackwitz, Maike, & Wegrich, K. (2023). A shift in paradigm? Collaborative public administration in the context of national digitalization strategies. Governance, 1– 20.
Rackwitz, Maike, et al. (2023). Deconstructing complexity: A comparative study of government collaboration in national digital platforms and smart city networks in Europe. Public Policy and Administration, 0/0.
Rackwitz, Maike & Palaric, Enora (2023). A shift towards collaboration? Evidence from national digitalisation strategies. dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 16, 1-20.
Breaugh, Jessica, Rackwitz, Maike, & Hammerschmid, Gerhard (2023). Leadership and institutional design in collaborative government digitalisation: Evidence from Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, and the UK. Government Information Quarterly.
Tiedemann, Silvana, Müller-Hansen, Finn (2023). Auctions to phase out coal power: Lessons learned from Germany, Energy Policy, 174.
Sieker, Felix (2022). Platform work and access to social protection across major European countries. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 38(3), 193-207.
Ramirez-Ruiz, Sebastian et al. (2022). Prioritization preferences for COVID-19 vaccination are consistent across five countries. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 9, Article 493.
Ramirez-Ruiz, Sebastian et al. (2022). Who’s Cheating on Your Survey? A Detection Approach with Digital Trace Data. Political Science Research and Methods.
Glawion, Tim and Le Noan, Anne-Clémence (2022) Rebel governance or governance in rebel territory? Extraction and services in Ndélé, Central African republic, Small Wars & Insurgencies.
Schöfer, Till and Weinhardt, Clara (2022). Developing-country status at the WTO: the divergent strategies of Brazil, India and China. International Affairs, 98 (6), 1937–1957.
Oswald, Lisa, et al. (2022) A systematic review of worldwide causal and correlational evidence on digital media and democracy. Nature Human Behavior.
Abels, Christoph M., Hardegger, Daniel (2022) Privacy and Transparency in the 4th Space: Implications for Conspiracy Theories. Filozofia i Nauka [Philosophy and Science], 10, 187-212.
Frank, Emily (2022) Determinants of welfare benefit use of immigrant groups - longitudinal evidence from Germany. Frontiers in Sociology Migration and Society.
Stoll, Julius (2022). The cost of honesty: Field evidence, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Volume 101.
Darius, Philipp (2022). Who polarizes Twitter? Ideological polarization, partisan groups and strategic networked campaigning on Twitter during the 2017 and 2021 German Federal elections 'Bundestagswahlen'. Social Network Analysis and Mining, Volume 12, Article 151.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2022). Blue hydrogen and industrial base products: The future of fossil fuel exporters in a net-zero world. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 363.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2022). Phasing out coal: An impact analysis comparing five large-scale electricity market models. Applied Energy, Volume 319, 119215.
Khanna, Tarun (2022). Using agricultural demand for reducing costs of renewable energy integration in India. Energy, Volume 254, Part C.
Schmauk, Sarah, & Nylin, A.-K. (2022). Mothers’ earnings trajectories after separation in Sweden and western Germany. Stockholm Research Reports in Demography.
Hassel, A., & Sieker, Felix (2022). The platform effect: How Amazon changed work in logistics in Germany, the United States and the United Kingdom. European Journal of Industrial Relations, 28(3), 363-382.
Sgarlato, Raffaele and Ziel, F. (2022). The Role of Weather Predictions in Electricity Price Forecasting Beyond the Day-Ahead Horizon, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, doi: 10.1109/TPWRS.2022.3180119.
Casper Hendrik Claassen, Eric Bidet, Junki Kim (2022). South Korean social enterprises and their networks: On their organizational linkages at the interstice between the third, public, and corporate sectors. Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics.
Obendiek, Anke S. (2022). What Are We Actually Talking About? Conceptualizing Data as a Governable Object in Overlapping Jurisdictions. International Studies Quarterly 66 (1), 1–13.
Raiser, Kilian, Çalı, B., & Flachsland, C. (2022). Understanding pledge and review: learning from analogies to the Paris Agreement review mechanisms. Climate Policy, 1-17.
Auz, Juan (2022). Human rights-based climate litigation: a Latin American cartography. Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 13(1), 114-136.
Traxler, C., L. Dušek and Pardo, Nicolas, (2022). Salience and Timely Compliance: Evidence from Speeding Tickets. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 41(2), 426-449.
Kreyenfeld, Michaela, Schmauk, Sarah, and Tatjana, Mika (2022). The gender pension gap in Germany: is divorce a gender-equaliser?, Ageing & Society, 1-21.
Abels, Christoph M. (2022) Everybody lies: Misinformation and Its Implications for the 4th Space. Proceedings, 81(1).
Oswald, Lisa and Bright, Jonathan (2022). How Do Climate Change Skeptics Engage with Opposing Views Online? Evidence from a Major Climate Change Skeptic Forum on Reddit. Environmental Communication.
Gao, Lin and Woo, Eva (2022). Food System Innovation in China. Stanford Social Innovation Review.
Cova, Joshua (2022). Reconsidering the drivers of country-specific recommendations: The Commission's ideological preferences on wage policies. European Union Politics.
Michel, Cynthia, Meza, Oliver and Cejudo, Guillermo (2022). Interacting institutional logics in policy implementation. Governance, 1-18.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2022). The transformation of integrated electricity and heat systems—Assessing mid-term policies using a model comparison approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier.
Ruhnau, Oliver (2022). How flexible electricity demand stabilizes wind and solar market values: The case of hydrogen electrolyzers. Applied Energy, Elsevier.
Ruhnau, Oliver and Qvist, Staffan (2022). Storage requirements in a 100% renewable electricity system: Extreme events and inter-annual variability. Environmental Research Letters, IOP Publishing.
Darius, Philipp, et al. (2022). The CoRisk-Index: A Data-Mining Approach to Identify Industry-Specific Risk Perceptions Related to Covid-19. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, 1: 41.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2022). Why electricity market models yield different results: Carbon pricing in a model-comparison experiment. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 153.
Auz, Juan (2021). 'So, this is Permanence': The Inter-American Human Rights System as Liminal Space for Climate Justice. Melbourne Journal of International Law, 22(2), 187-220.
Auz, Juan (2021). Situating the Inter-American Human Rights System in the Oscillation of International Law. Journal of Law and Political Economy, 2(1).
Pineda, Pedro, Salazar Morales, Diego and Celis, Jorge (2021). School Choice, Institutional Environments, and the Precarisation of Teachers’ Working Conditions in Not-For-Profit Charter Schools. British Journal of Sociology of Education.
Samper, Cristina, and Kreyenfeld, Michaela (2021). Marriage migration and women's entry into the German labour market. Journal of Family Research, 33/2, 439-466.
Samper, Cristina (2021). The Interplay Between the Early Work and Family Trajectories of Young Adult Women Born in West Germany: Differences by Parental Origins. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 1-24.
Graf, Lukas and Lohse, Anna Prisca (2021). Institutional conditions for cross-border policy transfer and cooperation: Analysing differences between vocational training and higher education. Research in Comparative and International Education, 16/4, 361-383.
Darius, Philipp and Urquhart, Michael (2021). Disinformed social movements: A large-scale mapping of conspiracy narratives as online harms during the COVID-19 pandemic. Online Social Networks and Media, 26.
Weinhardt, Clara and Schöfer, Till (2021). Differential treatment for developing countries in the WTO: the unmaking of the North–South distinction in a multipolar world. Third World Quarterly, (November).
Bünder, Tobias, Karekezi, Catherine and Wirtz, Veronika (2021). Governing industry involvement in the non-communicable disease response in Kenya. Globalization & Health, 17/123.
Deo, Sahil and Sontakke, Neha (2021). Usability, User Comprehension, and Perceptions of Explanations for Complex Decision Support Systems in Finance: A Robo-Advisory Use Case. Computer, 54/10, 38-48.
Eicke, Anselm, Ruhnau, Oliver, Hirth, Lion (2021). Electricity balancing as a market equilibrium: An instrument-based estimation of supply and demand for imbalance energy. Energy Economics, 102.
Naujoks, Tabea, Kreyenfeld, Michaela and Dummert, Sandra (2021). The division of child care during the coronavirus crisis in Germany: How did short-time work affect fathers’ engagement? Journal of Family Research, (September).
Flonk, Danielle (2021). Emerging illiberal norms: Russia and China as promoters of internet content control. International Affairs, 97(6), 1925-1944.
Abels, Christoph M. (2021). Is social media affecting the perceived trustworthiness of misinformation? Evidence from experimental comparisons. Romanian Journal of Political Science, 21/1, 116-138.
Munzert, Simon and Ramirez-Ruiz, Sebastian (2021). Meta-Analysis of the effects of voting advice applications. Political Communication 38/6, 691-706.
Wilkins, Katherine (2021). Corruption and globalization: an overview. Romanian Journal of Political Science, Summer 2021, 21/1, 6-27.
Traxler, C., Maximilian Linek (2021). Framing and Social Information Nudges at Wikipedia. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Vol. 188(C), 1269-1279.
Khanna, Tarun et al. (2021). A multi-country meta-analysis on the role of behavioural change in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions in residential buildings. Nature Energy, 6, 925-932.
Cejudo, Guillermo M., Michel, Cynthia (2021). Instruments for policy integration: how policy mixes work together. SAGE Open, (July).
Salazar Morales, Diego and Hallerberg, Mark (2021). The role of fiscal coordination and partisanship in the Spanish fiscal federalist system. Journal of Regional and Federal Studies, (April).
Haas, Jörg, et al. (2021). Exports vs. investment: How political discourse shapes popular support for external imbalances. Socio-Economic Review, (February).
Rodger, Barry, Maher, Imelda and Riordan, Ronan (2021). A decade of EU law in the courts of Scotland and Ireland: national legal systems compared. Legal Studies, 41/2, 311-335.
Jerg, Lukas, O'Reilly, Jacqueline and Schulze Buschoff, Karin (2021). Adapting social protection to the needs of multiple jobholders in Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 27/2, 237-253.
Salazar Morales, Diego (2021). The Reputational Basis of Policy Success in Comparative Perspective. Evidence from the Education Sector in Peru and Bolivia. Governance, January 2021.
Rackwitz, Maike, Hustedt, Thurid and Hammerschmid, Gerhard (2021). Digital transformation: From hierarchy to network-based collaboration? The case of the German “Online Access Act”. dms – der moderne staat – Zeitschrift für Public Policy, Recht und Management, 14(1-2021), 1-21.
Cloethe, Schalk, Ruhnau, Oliver and Hirth, Lion (2021). On capital utilization in the hydrogen economy: The quest to minimize idle capacity in renewables-rich energy systems. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 46/1, 169-188.
Lindemann, Korinna and Stoetzer, Lukas F. (2021). The effect of televised candidate debates on the support for political parties. Electoral Studies, 69.
Raiser, Kilian, Kornek, U., Flachsland, C., & Lamb, W. F. (2020) Is the Paris Agreement effective? A systematic map of the evidence. Environmental Research Letters, 15/8, 083006.
Flonk, Daniëlle, Jachtenfuchs, Markus and Obendiek, Anke S. (2020). Authority Conflicts in Internet Governance: Liberals vs. Sovereigntists? Global Constitutionalism, 9/2, 364-386.
Stockmann, Daniela, Garten, Felix and Luo, Ting (2020). Who is a PRC user? Comparing Chinese social media user agreements. First Monday, 25/8.
Haas, Jörg S., D’Erman, Valerie J., Schulz, Daniel F. and Verdun, Amy (2020). Economic and fiscal policy coordination after the crisis: is the European Semester promoting more or less state intervention? Journal of European Integration, 42/3, 327-344.
Oswald, Lisa and Ernst, Andreas (2020). Flying in the Face of Climate Change: Quantitative psychological approach examining the social drivers of individual air travel. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29/1, 68-86.
Klaus, Geraldine, Ernst, Andreas, Oswald, Lisa (2020): Psychological factors influencing laypersons’ acceptance of climate engineering, climate change mitigation and business as usual scenarios. Technology in Society, 60: February 2020.
Ruhnau, Oliver, Hennig, Patrick and Madlener, Reinhard (2020). Economic implications of forecasting electricity generation from variable renewable energy sources. Renewable Energy 161 (December), 1318-1327.
Mejía, Luis (2020). Judicial review of regulatory decisions: Decoding the contents of appeals against agencies in Spain and the United Kingdom. Regulation & Governance, (January).
Ruhnau, Oliver, Hirth, Lion and Praktiknjo, Aaron (2020). Heating with wind: Economics of heat pumps and variable renewables. Energy Egonomics, 92.
Eicke, Anselm, Khanna, Tarun and Hirth, Lion (2020). Locational investment signals in electricity markets: How to steer the location of new power generation capacity. The Energy Journal, 41/6, 281-304.
Raiser, Kilian et al. (2020). What are the social outcomes of climate policies? A systematic map and review of the ex-post literature. Environmental Research Letters, 15/11, 113006.
Brüggmann, Daniel (2020). Women’s employment, income and divorce in West Germany: a causal approach. Journal for Labour Market Research, 54/5.
Bobzien, Licia (2019). Polarized perceptions, polarized preferences? Understanding the relationship between inequality and preferences for redistribution. Journal of European Social Policy, 30/2, 206-224.
Falkenhain, Mariella (2019). Dividing Lines: Understanding the Creation and Replication of Fragmenta-tions among NGOs in Hybrid Regimes. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 31, 663-673.
Markgraf, Jonas and Rosas, Guillermo (2019). On Board With Banks: Do Banking Connections Help Politicians Win Elections? The Journal of Politics, 81/4.
Ruhnau, Oliver, Hirth, Lion and Praktiknjo, Aaron (2019). Time series of heat demand and heat pump efficiency for energy system modeling. Scientific Data, 6: 189.
Brüggmann, Daniel, et al. (2019). Statutory Pension Insurance Accounts and Divorce: A New Scientific Use File. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 240/6, 825-835.
Mogollón, Guillermo and Salazar Morales, Diego (2019). Prólogo: la política de la política comercial en América Latina. Revista Andina De Estudios Políticos, 9/1, 1–4.
Hehenberger, L., Mair, J., and Metz, Ashely (2019). The Assembly of a Field Ideology: An Idea-Centric Perspective on Systemic Power in Impact Investing. Academy of Management Journal 62/6, 1672-1704.
Keck, W., Radenacker, A., Brüggmann, Daniel, Kreyenfeld, M. & Mika, T. (2019). Statutory Pension Insurance Accounts and divorce: A new scientific use file. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik.
Traut, Frederik (2018). Banking Crisis Inventions In Germany And Italy: The Unpleasant Case Of The New European Bank Resolution Framework. Responses of European economic cultures to Europe’s crisis politics: the example of German-Italian discrepancies, 108-119.
Riordan, Rónán (2018). Popular sovereignty in the Irish context; The deployment of the Referendum to resolve disputes, uphold decisions, and legitmate state acts in the eyes of Citzens. UCD S.L.S. Law Journal, 103–109.
Book Chapters
Kreyenfeld, M., Naujoks, T. (2024). Arbeitsteilung in Partnerschaften und soziale Ungleichheit. In: Böhnke, P., Konietzka, D. (eds) Handbuch Sozialstrukturanalyse. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Costello, Cathryn & Vera Wriedt (2024). ‘Regional Human Rights Courts and Migration’. In: Chetail, Vincent (ed.), Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Migration Law (forthcoming). Edward Elgar Publishing
Auz, Juan (2023), ‘Climate Crisis and the Testing of International Human Rights Remedies: Forecasting the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’. In: Jacqueline Peel and Sandrine Maljean Dubois (eds.), The Hague Academy of International Law (Centre for Studies and Research in International Law and International Relations Series). Volume 26. Brill.
Bhupatiraju, S., Chen, D., Jankin, S., Kim, G., Kupi, Maximilian, & Maqueda, M. R. (2023). Government Analytics Using Machine Learning. In: The Government Analytics Handbook: Leveraging Data to Strengthen Public Administration, 345-364. World Bank Group.
Daub, Sara (2023). Diasporas and Proxy Wars. In: Moghadam, Assaf, Rauta, Vladimir and Wyss, Michel (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Proxy Wars. Routledge.
Auz, Juan (2022). Two Reputed Allies: Reconciling Climate Justice and Litigation in the Global South. In: C. Rodríguez-Garavito (ed.), Litigating the Climate Emergency: How Human Rights, Courts, and Legal Mobilization Can Bolster Climate Action (Globalization and Human Rights, pp. 145-156). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Kupi, Maximilian, Keegan McBride & Joanna Bryson. (2022). Untangling Agile Government: On the Dual Necessities of Structure and Agility. In AGILE GOVERNMENT: Emerging Perspectives in Public Management, 21-34. World Scientific.
Bünder, Tobias, Rathert, N. and Mair, J. (2022). Understanding firm- and field-level change toward sustainable development: insights from the pharmaceutical industry and access to medicines, 1960‒2020. In G. George, M. R. Haas, H. Joshi, A.M. McGahan, and P. Tracey (Eds.), Handbook on the Business of Sustainability. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK: 300-319.
Graf, Lukas and Lohse, Anna Prisca (2022). Analyzing Vocational Education and Training Systems through the Lens of PoliticalScience. In: Grollmann, P., et. al. (eds.) Vergleichende Berufsbildungsforschung – Ergebnisse und Perspektivenaus Theorie und Empirie. Jubiläumsausgabedes Internationalen Handbuchs der Berufsbildung (IHBB). Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 123-141.
Eicke, Anselm, Eicke, Laima and Hafner, Manfred (2022). Solar Power Generation. In: Hafner, M., Luciani, G. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Eicke, Anselm, Eicke, Laima and Hafner, Manfred (2022). Wind Power Generation. In: Hafner, M., Luciani, G. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of International Energy Economics. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Graf, Lukas and Lohse, Anna Prisca (2021). Advanced skill formation between vocationalization and academization. The governance of professional schools and dual study programmes in Germany. In: Bürgi, R., Gonon, P. (eds.). Governance revisited. Challenges and opportunities for Vocational Education and Training (VET). Peter Lang, 215-242.
Deo, Sahil, Sontakke, Neha (2021). User-Centric Explainability in Fintech Applications. In: Stephanidis, C. et al. (eds), HCI International 2021 - Posters. HCII 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1420. Springer, Cham.
Salazar Morales, Diego (2021). Neoliberal governmentality in the Peruvian Higher Education: An example of students’ unions’ resistance and conflict. In: Murphy, Mark et al. (eds.), Theorizing the University: Critical perspectives on institutional research. Bloomsbury Academic.
Madlener, Reinhard and Ruhnau, Oliver (2021). Variable renewables and demand flexibility: Day-ahead versus intraday valuation. In: Fereidoon Sioshansi (ed.), Variable Generation, Flexible Demand. Academic Press. Ch. 13, 309-327.
Kossow, Niklas (2020). Digitising the Anti-Corruption Sphere: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead. In: Alina Mungiu-Pippidi and Paul Heywood (eds.), A Research Agenda for Studies of Corruption. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Falkenhain, Mariella, Paturyan, Yevgenya and Stefes, Christoph H. (2020). Armenien. In: A. Benz, S. Bröchler & H.-J. Lauth (Hrsg.), Handbuch der europäischen Verfassungsgeschichte im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Institutionen und Rechtspraxis im gesellschaftlichen Wandel. Dietz, Kap. 45, 1523-1547 (Bonn).
Salazar Morales, Diego and Lauriano, Lucas Amaral (2020). A Typology of the Latin American Civil Servant: Patronage Appointee, Technocrat, Loyalist, or Careerist. In: Sullivan H. et al. (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Salazar Morales, Diego, Hallerberg, Mark (2020). Trilateral Competitive Interdependence: European and American Trade Policy Choices and the rise of China. In: Spoon, Jae Jae & Ringe, Nils (eds), The European Union and Beyond: Multilevel-Governance, Institutions and Policymaking. European Council of Political Research Press.
Mungiu-Pippidi, A., & Hartmann, Till (2019). 'Corruption and Development: A Reappraisal'. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance. Oxford University Press.
Lohse, Anna P. (2024). Higher Education in an Age of Disruption. Palgrave Macmillan, based on her PhD dissertation
Peitz, Laura (2023). The Dual Nature of Multilateral Development Banks: Balancing Development and Financial Logics. Cambridge University Press.
König, Franca (2022). The Rise of EU Police Cooperation: Governing Differentiated Integration. Routledge.
Obendiek, Anke S. (2022). Data Governance: Value Orders and Jurisdictional Conflicts. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Falkenhain, Mariella (2020): Weak institutions and the governance dilemma: Gaps as traps. International Series on Public Policy, Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
Freudlsperger, Christian (2020): Trade Policy in Multilevel Government: Organizing Openness. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Conference Proceedings, Working Papers, Blogs & Other Publications
Paulina Garcia Corral, Hannah Bechara, Krishnamoorthy Manohara, and Slava Jankin (2025). The Missing Cause: An Analysis of Causal Attributions in Reporting on Palestine. In Proceedings of the first International Workshop on Nakba Narratives as Language Resources, pages 103–113, Abu Dhabi. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Lea Schubert (2024). Doing too much and too little. The CJEU's approach to judicial review of fundamental rights breaches in the CFSP after KD and KS, Blog of the European Journal of International Law, published on 30 October 2024.
Thiago Bessimo, et al (2024). Digital Currencies in the Developing World: Coordinating and Sandboxing CBDCs, Policy Brief T20 Brasil, Task Force 3: Reforming the International Financial Architecture.
Silke K. Kaiser, Nadja Klein, Lynn H. Kaack (2024). From Counting Stations to City-Wide Estimates: Data-Driven Bicycle Volume Extrapolation, arXiv:2406.18454 [cs.CY]
Silvana Tiedemann, Jorge Sanchez Canales, Felix Schur, Raffaele Sgarlato, Lion Hirth, Oliver Ruhnau, Jonas Peters (2024). Identifying Elasticities in Autocorrelated Time Series Using Causal Graphs, arXiv:2409.15530 [econ.EM]
Claudia Zwar, Jacob Edenhofer, Christian Flachsland (2024). Introducing and applying the Climate Institutions Analysis Framework(CIAF). A comparative analysis of climate institutions in Germany, the United Kingdom,Sweden, and Australia using the CIAF, Climate Institutions Working Paper
Paulina Garcia Corral, Avishai Green, Hendrik Meyer, Anke Stoll, Xiaoyue Yan, and Myrthe Reuver (2024). A Few Hypocrites: Few-Shot Learning and Subtype Definitions for Detecting Hypocrisy Accusations in Online Climate Change Debates. In Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Linguistics for the Political and Social Sciences: Long and short papers, pages 45–60, Vienna, Austria. Association for Computational Linguistics
Samuel, Vineet. J. (2024, September 15). Navigating federalism and prioritising workers in India's planned gig worker legislation. Hindustan Times.
Samuel, Vineet. J. (2024, August 28). Platform-based work's algorithm of inequality. Hindustan Times.
Paulina Garcia Corral, Hanna Bechara, Ran Zhang, and Slava Jankin (2024). PolitiCause: An Annotation Scheme and Corpus for Causality in Political Texts. In Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024), pages 12836–12845, Torino, Italia. ELRA and ICCL.
Flachsland, Christian, Edenhofer, Jacob, and Zwar, Claudia (2024), Not a Disaster, but a Missed Opportunity: The Amendment to the Federal Climate Protection Act. Verfassungsblog.
Tiedemann, Silvana, Stiewe, Clemens, Kratzke, Corinna, Hirth, Lion, Jentsch, Mareike, Damm, Nicolai, Gerhardt, Norman, and Pape, Carsten (2024). Gebotszonenteilung: Auswirkungen auf den Marktwert der Erneuerbaren Energien im Jahr 2030, Kopernikus-Projekt Ariadne Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung (PIK), January 2024.
Lindner, Johannes, Nguyen, Thu, and Hansum, Romy (2023). What does it cost? Financial implications of the next enlargement. Hertie School: Jacques Delores Centre.
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Finnerty, Joseph (2022). Juszczyszyn v. Poland: article 18 Echr’s Conservative Contribution To The Polish Rule Of Law Crisis. Strasbourg Observer.
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Garten, Felix, et al. (2022). How to successfully carry out research on China in challenging times – a perspective from junior scholars. SCRIPTS Research Output.
Riordan, Ronan et al. (2022). The European Arrest Warrant Before the Irish Courts: Judicial Dialogue, Mutual Trust, and the Limits of Interpretation. Irish Jurist, 67, 14-54.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2022). Studie belegt Spareffekt hoher Gaspreise. Tagesspiegel Background.
Hirth, Lion and Tiedemann, Silvana (2022). Warum Energieversorger ihre Kunden fürs Sparen bezahlen sollten. Handelsblatt.
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Tiedemann, Silvana and Hirth, Lion (2022). Wie wir richtig viel Gassparen – wenn Mieter, Vermieter und Politik mitziehen. Der Spiegel.
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Hirth, Lion, Khanna, Tarun and Ruhnau, Oliver (2022). The (very) short-term price elasticity of German electricity demand. Working paper. Presented at INREC 2021)
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Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2021). Phasing out coal - An impact analysis comparing five large-scale electricity market models. EconStor.
Ruhnau, Oliver, et al. (2021). Blue hydrogen and industrial base products: The future of fossil fuel exporters in a net-zero world. EconStor.
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Darius, Philipp and Stephany, Fabian (2019). “Hashjacking” the Debate: Polarisation Strategies of Germany’s Political Far-Right on Twitter. In: Weber I. et al. (eds), Social Informatics. SocInfo 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11864. Springer, Cham.
Thiago Bessimo was featured in a podcast episode, where he talk about the Brazil-China relationship along with the SCMP journalist Igor Patrick.
Kaiser, Silke and Fusar Bassini, Chiara (2024) had been invited to contribute to the Podcast series, Environment Variables: Academic Forefronts. Podcast. Green Software Foundation
Padmanabhan, Ananth, Deo, Sahil, Aiyar, Yamini (2020): The Coronavirus Pandemic: Data and Technology Implications on Citizen-State Relations. Podcast. Centre for Policy Research.