Papers are to be submitted to the Editorial Team in charge of the Series. Selection criteria consist of above average grading and originality of research. Content will cover a wide spectrum of topics, reflecting the multiple research streams and interdisciplinary approach of the School.
Authors are exclusively responsible for the content of their papers and the views expressed therein. They retain the copyright for their work. Discussion and comments are invited. Student Papers will be made electronically available through this website. If the material is being published in a language other than German or English, both the original text and the reference to the publication will be kept on the list. An abstract is available online for each of the posted Student Papers under the respective link.
A tale of toothless tigers: Political accountability in the German system of parliamentary intelligence service oversight
By Alexander Busold and Laura Franken (MPP 2016)
Thesis Advisor: Professor Dr. Claus Offe
The EU’s extraterritorial asylum policies and human rights obligations: Prospects, limits and the role of the European courts
Welfare state regimes and youth incarceration: A comparison of Germany, Sweden, and the United States
Governing through crime in the Northern Territory: Are criminal justice system changes contributing to rising Indigenous imprisonment?
Fostering sustainability in Brazilian agrarian reform: Insights from assentamentos and ecovillages
By Bruno Paschoal, Caio Werneck and Javier Guillot (MPP 2015)
Thesis Advisor: Johanna Mair
Is it feasible to link the European Union emissions trading system with the Californian cap-and-trade programme?
By Marissa Santikarn (MPP 2014)
Thesis Advisor: Mark Dawson
Practice Institution: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
The value chain approach to rural agricultural development: Understanding the principal determinants of pro-poor outcomes
By Nicholas Ross and Jonathan West (MPP 2013)
Academic Advisor: Dr. Arntraud Hartmann
Practice Institution: International Fund for Agricultural Development
Food prices and speculation: Does speculation on the agricultural markets influence prices and volatilities?
Towards new horizons in EU research policy: The changing role of the Directorate-General for Research (and Innovation)
Barriers to equity in education: An exploratory case study on Nepal
Leadership in EU civilian crisis management
By Karin Müller-Badoreck (Executive MPA 2012)
Academic Advisor: Prof. Dr. Jobst Fiedler
The politics of targeting regime choice: Has inflation targeting met its demise?
Improving inter-agency collaboration in international development analysis of conditions under which to enter into, develop and sustain successful partnerships
By Lisa-Marie Kreibich (MPP 2013)
Academic Advisor: Prof. Johanna Mair
Practice Institutions: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Lux-Development (LuxDev)
Global forests, local development? An assessment of REDD readiness in Latin America
By Ana Carolina Alfinito Vieira (MPP 2012)
Thesis Advisor: Henrik Enderlein
Practice Institution: Heinrich Böll Foundation
CSR instruments: A systematic overview
Contributors Karina Almeida, Simone Azevedo, Nora Azzaoui, Jeymar Bianchis, Inga-Lena Boos, Janetta Carlucci, Viviana Klein, Ola Kohut, Julia Kowalski, Jonas Kuhn, Christoph Leitsch, Paulina Olenga-Tete, Patrick Ross, Catherin Tiefenbach, Jay Watkinson, Frithjof Wodarg
With a foreword by Anke Hassel
The European debt crisis and the functional logic of the parliamentary system: A case study of the German Bundestag
Framing service quality - A comprehensive indicator for measuring service quality in public administration: Case study of Bürgerämter in Berlin
By Florian Birk (MPP 2013), Amani Joas (MPP 2013), David Rinnert (MPP 2014) and John Schilling (MPP 2013)
Conveners: Prof. Dr. Kai Wegrich and Jan Tiessen (PROGNOS)
Have think tanks in Washington D.C. become politicised?
The information and the opinions presented in these papers represent that of the author(s) and not that of the editors or of the Hertie School. The author(s) take(s) full responsibility for the information and the opinions presented.