Leonard Novy has served as Co-director of the Institute for Media and Communications Policy (IfM), a think tank providing research and advice on media policy, digitalisation, journalism and political communication, since 2011. He also works as a strategy consultant, providing advice on public policy and political communication for public, private and third sector actors. Previously, he held positions at think tanks and media organisations including the Bertelsmann Stiftung. He studied at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin and Cambridge University. He was also a Visiting Scholar at Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik and a Fellow at Harvard University’s Department of Government. Since 2010 he has served as a Senior Lecturer at Zeppelin University and in 2012 he was voted among Germany’s “40 Young Leaders under 40” by the business magazine CAPITAL. As a conference moderator, public speaker and contributor to various media, he has published on issues pertaining to international politics, media and democracy.