Christian Traxler


Working Papers and Work in Progress

!Updated! Greener Fleet, Cleaner Air: How Low Emission Zones Reduce Pollution (with E.Aydin and M.Gehrstiz), July 2024. Also available as IZA Discussion Paper No. 17144.

Swiftness and Delay of Punishment (with L. Dušek), 2024, Discussion Paper #32, Berlin School of Economics, and CESifo Working Paper No. 10906.

!New! Exposure to Law Enforcement and Deterrence, Paper prepared for the Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Conference, June 2024.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

Fines, Non-Payment, and Revenues: Evidence from Speeding Tickets (with L. Dušek), Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2023 (link). Open-access available as Discussion Paper #23, Berlin School of Economics.

Learning from Law Enforcement (with L. Dušek), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2022, Vol. 20(2), p. 739-777 (JEEA link) . An earlier version is available as CESifo Working Paper 8043.

Deadlines and Memory Limitations (with S. Altmann and P. Weinschenk), Management Science, 2022, Vol. 68(9), p.6733-6750 (link). An earlier version is available as IZA Discussion Papers No. 11129 and CESifo Working Paper No. 6761.

Intensified Support for Juvenile Offenders on Probation: Evidence from Germany (with C. Engel and S. Goerg), 2022. Journal of Empirical Legal Studies 2022, Vol. 19(2), p. 447-490 (link).

Salience and Timely Compliance: Evidence from Speeding Tickets (with L. Dušek and N. Pardo), Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 2022, Vol. 41(2), p. 426-449. An earlier version (with additional material) is available as Discussion Paper 2020-09, Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods.

Framing and Social Information Nudges at Wikipedia (with M. Linek). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021, Vol. 188(C), p. 1269-1279. Open-access pre-print available here.

Compliance Behavior in Networks: Evidence from a Field Experiment (with F. Drago and F. Mengel), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2020, Vol. 12(2), p. 96-133. [Ungated Version][Supplementary Appendix]

Cooperation and Punishment: The Individual-Level Perspective (with F. Albrecht and S. Kube), Journal of Public Economics, 2018, Vol. 165, p. 1-16. [Ungated version] [Supplementary Appendix].

Bunching on the Autobahn: Speeding responses to a `notched' penalty scheme (with F. Westermaier and A. Wohlschlegel), Journal of Public Economics, 2018, Vol. 157, p. 78-94. Online appendix available here. Working paper version available here.

Higher taxes, more evasion? Evidence from border differentials in TV license fees (with M.Berger, G.Fellner, and R.Sausgruber), Journal of Public Economics, 2016, Vol. 135, p. 74-86. Web Appendix

Advocacy and Political Convergence under Preference Uncertainty (with E. Reuben and F. van Winden), European Economic Review, 2015, Vol. 78, p. 16-36.

Nudges at the Dentist (with S. Altmann), European Economic Review, 2014, Vol. 72(C), p. 19-38.

Testing Enforcement Strategies in the Field: Threat, Moral Appeal and Social Information (with G. Fellner and R. Sausgruber), Journal of the European Economic Association, 2013, Vol. 11(3), p. 634-660. Online appendix can be downloaded here. An earlier working paper version is available here.

Development of legal expertise (with A. Glöckner and E. Towfigh), Instructional Science, 2013, Vol. 41(6), p. 989-1007.

Majority Voting and the Welfare Implications of Tax AvoidanceJournal of Public Economics, 2012, Vol. 96(1-2), p. 1-9. (An earlier version is available here.)

Norms, moods and free lunch: Longitudinal evidence on payments from a Pay-What-You-Want restaurant (with G. Riener), Journal of Socio-Economics, 2012, Vol. 41, p. 476-483.

Survey Evidence on Conditional Norm Enforcement (with J. Winter), European Journal of Political Economy, 2012, Vol. 28, p. 390-398.

Enforcement Spillovers (with J. Rincke), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2011, Vol. 93(4), p. 1224-1234. (An earlier version was titled Deterrence through Word of Mouth)

The Interaction of Legal and Social Norm Enforcement (with S. Kube), Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2011, Vol. 13(5), p. 639–660.

Social Norms and the Indirect Evolution of Conditional Cooperation (with M. Spichtig), Journal of Economics, 2011, Vol. 102(3), p. 237-262.

Optimal Observability in a Linear Income Tax (with J. Slemrod), Economics Letters, 2010, Vol. 108(2), p. 105-108.

Social Norms and Conditional Cooperative TaxpayersEuropean Journal of Political Economy, 2010, Vol. 26, p. 89-103.

Reserve prices as reference points – Evidence from auctions for football players at (with S.  Trautmann), Journal of Economic Psychology, 2010, Vol. 31(2), p. 230-240.

Voting over Taxes: The Case of Tax EvasionPublic Choice, 2009, Vol. 140(1), p. 43-58.

Tax Evasion and Auditing in a Federal Economy (with S. Stöwhase), International Tax and Public Finance, 2005, Vol. 12(4), p. 515-531.

Further Publications

An Evaluation of Montenegro's 2022 Minimum Wage and Income Tax Reform (with Peter Haan), Report prepared for the International Labor Organization, 2023 (link to Policy Brief).

Attitudes on Urban Mobility Policies: Results from a Survey in Berlin (with K. Wegrich), Policy Brief, 2023 (ENG / GER version)

K. Hurrelmann, H. Karch and C. Traxler (Eds.), Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen: Zwischen sozialstaatlichem Anspruch und Individualisierung. 2022, Beltz Juventa Verlag, Weinheim.

Tempolimit 130 auf Autobahnen: Eine evidenzbasierte Diskussion der Auswirkungen (with S. Bauernschuster), 2021, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 22(2), p. 86-102. Open-access preprint available here.

Behavioural Insights for Health Governance, Ch.8 in: Hertie School (Ed.), The Governance Report 2019, Oxford University Press.

K. Hurrelmann, H. Karch and C. Traxler (Eds.), Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen. Wird das Vertrauen einer Generation verspielt? 2019, Beltz Juventa Verlag, Weinheim.

Geschlechts- und Herkunftseffektebei der Benotung juristischer Staatsprüfungen (mit A. Glöckner und E. Towfigh), Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft, 2/2018, p. 115-142

Empirische Untersuchung zur Benotung in der staatlichen Pflichtfachprüfung und in der zweiten juristischen Staatsprüfung in Nordrhein-Westfalen von 2006 bis 2016 (with A. Glöckner and E. Towfigh), Projektbericht für das Justizministeriums NRW, December 2017.

K. Hurrelmann, H. Karch and C. Traxler (Eds.), Jugend, Vorsorge, Finanzen! Zwischen Eigenverantwortung und Regulierung, 2016, Juventa Verlag, München.

Konsumieren, Wirtschaften, Vorsorgen – Ergebnisse der 3. MetallRente Jugendstudie (with K. Hurrelmann), BetrAV 2016|06, p. 490-493.

Nudges polarize! (with E. Towfigh); in:  A. Kemmerer, C. Möllers, M. Steinbeis and G. Wagner (Eds.), Choice Architecture in Democracies: Exploring the Legitimacy of Nudging, 2015, Hart/Nomos.

Deterrence of economic crimes: Tax evasion; in:  G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice, 2014, Springer, p. 1005-1014.

Zur Benotung in der Examensvorbereitung und im ersten Examen: Eine empirische Analyse (with Andreas Glöckner and E. Towfigh), Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Rechtswissenschaft, 1/2014, p. 8-27.

Special Issue on the Economics of Crime: Editorial (with H. Entorf and J. Ludwig), German Economic Review, 2012, Vol. 13(4), p. 363-365.

Tax Competition and Redistribution: Theoretical Analysis and Policy Implications, BMF Working Paper 01/2002, Ministry of Finance, Austria, Vienna.