Research project


What is #WirvsVirus?

#WirvsVirus is a social innovation experiment in Germany initiated at the beginning of the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020 by seven civil society organizations and supported by the German government. Through an open call to action, #WirVsVirus identified pressing challenges related to COVID-19, such as how to quickly digitalize health-care services, how to help citizens of all ages to cope with lockdown-induced isolation, and how to respond to increasing instances of domestic violence. Twenty-eight thousand citizens with a broad spectrum of personal and professional backgrounds participated in a 48-hour-long hackathon to develop ideas about how to address these challenges. In a six-month implementation program, the organizers supported 130 selected teams in their efforts to develop, implement and scale their solutions.
The Vodafone Foundation Vodafone Foundation supported research on the learning report.
The Vodafone Institute for Society and Communications supported the development of the policy brief

What can we learn from #WirvsVirus?

Who we are

  • Johanna Mair, Professor for Organization, Strategy and Leadership

  • Thomas GegenhuberProfessor of management of sociotechnical transitions at the Johannes Kepler University Linz and visiting researcher at the Leuphana University Lüneburg

  • René Lührsen, Research Associate

  • Laura Thäter, Research Associate

  • Anna-Lena Schröder, Student Research Assistant

  • Lukas Schmid, Student Research Assistant