The REGULATE project investigates how the platform economy is regulated in the transport and housing sectors. The project focuses on the subnational level in Europe, i.e. explores how cities and regional government levels regulate companies such as Airbnb, Uber, Bolt etc. It aims at mapping, comparing and explaining how national states and cities have adapted to the rise of the platform economy. We seek to understand how the regulatory state has responded to the challenges of the platform economy, and how this has, in turn, shaped the normative foundations of what and how (local) regulators regulate.
Drápalová Eliška and Kai Wegrich "Platforms' regulatory disruptiveness and local regulatory outcomes in Europe". Internet Policy Review (n)n:1-27
Drápalová Eliška (2023) "Die Flitterwochen sind zu Ende. Die neue Härte europäischer Städte im Umgang mit Online-Plattformen" (The honeymoon is over. Regulatory backlash against platform companies in European cities), WZB Mitteilungen Quartalsheft für Sozialforschung, Nr. 181.Pp: 52-55
Past events
Workshop on Subnational Comparative Methods, University of Montreal. Eliska Drapalova presented a talk based on paper titled “Does apple fall far from the tree? The multilevel influence of the national level to local level studies”. Montreal, Canada, 9-10 November 2023.
Weizenbaum Institute and WZB Politics of Digitalisation Colloquium. Eliska Drapalova presented the project paper titled: “Standing their ground: platforms´ regulatory disruptiveness and local regulatory outcomes across European cities and sectors”. Berlin, Germany, 13 June 2023.