Master of Public Policy   Master of International Affairs   Master of Data Science for Public Policy  

Fieldwork Methods

In this block seminar, the participants will learn the advantages and disadvantages of different fieldwork methods for data collection most commonly used by social scientists, such as qualitative interviews, field surveys, archival work, ethnographic observations. Students will learn how to plan fieldwork missions and conduct a risk assessment based on the research topic, fieldwork context and the research method they choose to employ to gather data in the field. During the course, we will also discuss strategies and techniques to mitigate fieldwork-related risks in order to ensure high ethical and safety standards for researchers, interlocutors and research participants. In this light we will also touch upon issues of framing research projects depending on the audience, reflecting on various personal characteristics that might affect your fieldwork, as well as communication and data security. After the course, students will have received an overview of various fieldwork data collection methods and how to assess and mitigate risks associated with these. Furthermore, students will have learned tools that help them to plan and conduct fieldwork in difficult contexts. These skills are not only valuable for students continuing a career in research at universities or research institutes but also in science policy, science diplomacy and scientific cooperation or CSOs or think tanks in the development and humanitarian sector.