The increased importance of non-profit organisations – as service providers, vehicles of developmental or humanitarian assistance, as policy advocates and social innovators and as instruments of government reform and privatisation – has moved this set of institutions closer to the centre of policy agendas. The course provides students with a conceptual and historical background, examines the various theories that have been proposed, looks at aspects of organisational performance and impact and for the most part, deals with management models as well as policy and regulatory frameworks. The course is interdisciplinary and comparative in the sense that we will examine civil society, non-profit organisations and philanthropy from theoretical and empirical perspectives.
The course uses a variety of instructional formats including lectures, seminar-type discussions, in-class exercises and student presentations. Letter grading is based on attendance, three brief assignments and a final paper.
This course is for 2nd year MIA and MPP students only.
- Helmut K. Anheier , Senior Professor of Sociology, past President