Ignatius Yordan Nugraha is a postdoctoral researcher at the Centre for Fundamental Rights, working on the project ‘Deep Impact through Soft Jurisprudence? The Contribution of United Nations Treaty Body Case Law to the Development of International Human Rights Law’. He obtained his doctorate degree at Hasselt University on 30 January 2024 with a thesis titled ‘Understanding Conflicts between Constitutions and International Human Rights Law: Sexual Minority Rights as a Case Study’. Before joining the Hertie School, he also served as a Managing Editor at Strasbourg Observers, an academic blog focusing on the European Convention on Human Rights.
Dr. Nugraha has a broad expertise in the fields of international human rights law and comparative constitutional law. His research interests include UN human rights law, ECHR law, proportionality, popular sovereignty and constituent power, Indonesian constitutional thought, and the relationship between domestic and international laws. As part of his PhD, he has also conducted research on Russian constitutional law, Ecuadorian constitutional law, Sharia and the constitution, and Inter-American human rights law.