The Hertie School invites applications and nominations for the Michael Endres Visiting Professorship for the Academic Year 2020/21.
Are you a legal scholar, political economist or political scientist, or a scholar from a related discipline such as political sociology or political theory doing cutting-edge research on European integration, including its comparative dimension? Then the Hertie School in Berlin invites you to apply for the Michael Endres Visiting Professorship. The ten-month professorship, which will start in September 2020, is affiliated with the Jacques Delors Institute Berlin, Centre for European Affairs at the Hertie School.
We are interested in both younger and more senior scholars doing interesting and stimulating research, rather than in a constructed substantive fit with our research. The holder of the position should be present in Berlin most of the time.
Find out more about the professorship, the Delors Institute and the Hertie School in the official call for applications and nominations.