
You're invited: Green Growth and Post-Growth: common grounds for advancing the green economy transformation? / 29 June 2021

How can we decarbonize our economy? This third event in the Future Economy Forum series wants to start building bridges for the fight against climate change and the shared goal: paving the way toward a truly sustainable future.

We are happy to welcome Professor Daniel Fiorino from the Center for Environmental Policy at the American University, and Beth Stratford, ESRC-funded PhD-student at the School of Earth and Environment at the University of Leeds and Fellow at the New Economics Foundation, who will join us in this endeavor. 

Sophie Röhrl, EMJMD Student in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management (MESPOM) at the Central European University and Lund University and scholar of the Foundation of German Business, will moderate the event.

To learn more about the event and register, please follow this link.