2019 MetallRente study
The number of Germans between the ages of 17 and 27 who are saving for retirement has fallen by seven percent in the last nine years, according to the 2019 study, “Youth, Savings, Finances”, published every three years by the German metalworkers’ pension fund MetallRente under the direction of Hertie School Professor of Health Education Klaus Hurrelmann and Professor of Economics Christian Traxler.
The latest survey confirms that the share of young people saving for retirement is declining. While 55 percent saved for retirement in 2010, only 48 percent do so today.
Two-thirds of those surveyed said they fear their pension will be so small that they may fall into old-age poverty. Yet a large majority is also convinced that a solid old-age pension is possible if policymakers create the right conditions.
Read the news article for further details about the study here.
Resources and downloads
- Read a fact sheet on the study here (in German)
- Download a magazine about the study here (in German)
- Download the first chapter of the full study here (in German)
More about the study: www.metallrente.de/jugendstudie
2016 MetallRente study
Some of the key findings of the study are:
- Young Germans are optimistic about the future – 73% see a bright future for themselves
- They are less afraid of poverty in old age but doubtful about private pension schemes
- 65% would welcome automised savings schemes with opt-outs and “nudges”.
- Generation Y saves less for old age. Supplementary private retirement plans have not taken root with this generation, 15 years after the pension reform.
- Only 35% are saving in private pension plans.
- Better information, like school courses in finances and economics, are needed.
- Company pensions are becoming more popular.
- Policymakers must pave the way.
Read the press release for further details of the study here.
Please find detailed information on the website of MetallRente (in German).
Faculty leads
Klaus Hurrelmann, Professor of Public Health and Education
Christian Traxler, Professor of Economics